Hisham Sadek

2009 - A Year of Success and Failure

This Year is a year of Success and Failure for everyone. Nobody would get a completely failure year or a complete successful year. Every Year We try to put our resolutions for the new year, We always dream of a better year, a better life which it would or wouldn’t happen but It doesn’t hurt because at last, It’s still a dream.

One of the most successful things I really enjoyed was my work . Having a work since 2006 taught me a lot. I knew about Working from Home & Volunteer work . I knew more and more about Web Design in those years and I still learn . I had my first steps into Social Networks, Created My First Personal Blog and My First Professional Blog about Social Media in Arabic, I got to know more and more about Social Media, Public Relations, SEO, Analysis … etc. Many Interesting Things happened to me in those few years .

Although most of them didn’t have a good end, I had to shutdown both of my first personal Blog and My First Professional Blog because of Studies and Work, but that didn’t let me go down and I had my new personal blog and my new professional blog about Web Design. 2009 had my most successful time at work, creating brands for our company and our clients and re-branding was not an easy job .

In 2010, I hope that this success would remain, and I’m still hoping for better and happy life, more successful projects to work on in this year .

I will not forget to mention what I really enjoyed to do in 2009 which was working with World AIDS Campaign Task Force in Egypt to re-branding WAC Egypt Campaign for this year . Volunteer work is a real joy in life .

And Thanks to all my friends and followers on Twitter & Facebook . You made me smile in 2009 (: