Hisham Sadek

The Love of copying

There’s still another crisis when we talk about Clients, Which is “The Love of copying”. Clients in Many Different fields especially when It comes to a Designer field (Web Design, Graphic Design, Interior Design …etc), We find the issue of copying things.

A Client wants a website like this, A client wants the same view of this place, A client wants this exact design for his work. Everything is related to copying .. Even when It comes to Social Networks, When there were many clones for Microblogging Networks after Twitter became the top of Microblogging websites.

I wonder why we always want to clone, while we can get inspired and do something new. For Web Design, We can find Many Sources for Inspiration to give an idea to how the project will need, colors, resources, techniques to work on with.

Yammer was such a great idea to use Microblogging in another new way which is Connecting with People in Your company or organization. Brightkite is another interesting social network using the location based idea and Microblogging .

There’s so big difference between copying and Getting Inspired . We should look for more Innovating in our fields of work and stop depending on the client’s view . You are the expert, then you can Convince your client with new ideas to do his/her work, whatever it was but It will be a remarkable thing you can mention in your portfolio, that you don’t clone but Innovate.